Frequently asked questions
What is R3 Cayman Foundation?
Established in May 2020 in response to the unprecedented human and economic hardship resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, R3 Cayman Foundation is a private sector-led organisation committed to the sustainable future of the Cayman Islands. R3 focuses its grant giving on disaster Readiness, Relief, and Recovery.
Is R3 a Cayman Islands Government organisation?
There is no direct affiliation between R3 and the Cayman Islands Government. We recognise that our grants to local non-profits invariably complement existing government-led efforts, but R3 is a completely private sector-led organisation.
Is R3 a registered non-profit organisation?
R3 is a registered non-profit organisation in the Cayman Islands. View our Certificate of Registration here.
Are R3’s Board Members volunteers?
The R3 Cayman Foundation’s board of directors are all unpaid volunteers. Our committees — Readiness, Relief, Recovery, Fundraising, Finance, Marketing & Public Relations — are also run by volunteers.
Is R3 purely a funding organisation?
At this time, R3 functions primarily as a funding organisation. Where an area of need (such as food relief) is being effectively served by one or more organisations, R3 will endeavour to support those programmes and initiatives through grant funding. In this way, R3 alleviates the burden on local non-profits to fundraise, allowing them to focus their time and resources where they are needed most in our community.
If an area of need is not being effectively served by local non-profit organisations, R3 will decide whether to support that area of need directly, and whether to do so through its own resources or in partnership with one or more service providers. This process will take into account R3’s available resources, the areas of need in the community and the priorities of those areas.
How do I apply for an R3 grant?
To apply for funding, please follow the process outlined here.
Who is eligible to apply for an R3 grant?
R3 is currently accepting applications only from registered non-profit organisations, or organisations exempted from non-profit status under current legislation.
I am raising money for a cause. Am I eligible for a grant?
R3 makes grants to non-profit organisations directly, rather than through individual fundraising activities.
Is R3 providing aid only to those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic?
Donations received by the R3 Cayman Foundation support programmes, initiatives and projects that benefit our community before, during and after a crisis. Our grants include, but are not limited to, issues directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The foundation’s funding priorities will adapt according to the evolving challenges affecting our community.
How does the R3 Board of Directors assess each application?
R3 is committed to ensuring our funding helps local charities maximise their positive impact in the Cayman Islands. As a result, our evaluation process considers not only the nature of the programme for which the applicant is seeking support, but also the strength of the applicant’s financial position, governance structure, policies and procedures. We recognise that the Cayman Islands is fortunate to have non-profit organisations at varying stages of their journey – from charities with decades of experience to newly established efforts – and we encourage all eligible organisations to apply for consideration for an R3 grant.
How can I donate to R3?
R3 has accounts with Bank of Butterfield and Cayman National Bank. To donate, please email info@r3foundation.ky.
I am a US-based donor. Does R3 have 501(c)(3) status?
No, it does not. However, US-based donors can make a donation to TrustBridge Global for the benefit of R3, and TrustBridge Global has 501(c)(3) status. In order to make such a donation, please visit out "Get Involved" page and click on the link that is provided on that page.
How can I volunteer with R3?
We believe that the organisations we give grants to (and many others like them) have the greatest need for volunteers. Please contact those organisations directly.